How it works
The VITIPORT Advisory Portal is designed for anyone involved in vineyard cultivation: vineyards of various sizes, winemakers, agronomists, consultancy companies, distributors and agro/eco/bio pesticides and their manufacturers, as well as wine-growing enthusiasts.

Personalized forecasts and recommendations for your vineyard parcel
After registration, the user identifies the location of his vineyard by single click on the map (via Google maps). Software automatically finds the source of meteorological data (satellite, radar data, and terrestrial data) in a dense terrestrial raster and downloads inputs for "clicked" vineyard.
Precise meteorological data
Following climatic parameters of the abiotic factors which are crucial for the development cycle of harmful agents in the targeted geographical area, we monitor these parameters:
Sunny dawn
Mathematical algorithms
By applying our original models of development cycles of key vine grape pests and pathogens we are able to provide a forecast for seven days.
Currently, VITIPORT provides forecast of development cycles and risk of infection for following key pests and vine grape pathogens
Totrix moths:

Cryptogamic diseases of vine

For insect pests even before the start of the vegetation period we verify the fulfillment of the conditions that determine the course of diapause elimination, and thus the onset of the first generation. Algorithm, using the input meteorological data, calculates the expected development of the population for each particular stage of evolution (eggs, larvae, pupa).
Based on the actual and up-to-date input values from the start of the vegetation period we verify whether the preconditions for economically significant incidence of disease are fulfilled (primary contamination). For fungal pathogens, the algorithm working with predicted values of meteorological parameters evaluates course of abiotic factors that determine the degree of infection risk 7 days in advance (secondary contamination).

Forecasts & recommendations
Based on meteorological inputs and mathematical calculations, the customer receives information about infectious pathogens and cryptogrammic risk together with information about the development of insect pests. Model calculates appropriate term antifungal protection for each fungal pathogen and best moment for applications of insecticides for each generation vermin while taking in considerations the type of active ingredient and the duration of its effective operation in the stand. Seven-Day Forecast of key abiotic factors ensures that the winegrower receives information about potential phytosanitary intervention in advance. The prediction is accurate, specific and biologically highly effective, as it is targeted at the most vulnerable stage of development of harmful factors.